Mapboard GIS

Pro­ject man­age­ment

Map­board's pro­ject file list

The main screen of Map­board GIS shows a list of avail­able pro­jects. En­tries in the list cor­re­spond to mapboard-project files in the Map­board GIS doc­u­ments folder.

Se­lect­ing a pro­ject in the pro­ject list brings up the map in­ter­face for that pro­ject, which will re­main ac­tive un­til the pro­ject is closed.

The same set of pro­ject files can also be ac­cessed through the Files app, which al­lows mov­ing, shar­ing and archiv­ing pro­jects.

Pro­ject files in the Files app. Also note the 18 GB mbtiles cached basemap!

When at­tached to a com­puter, Finder (Mac) or iTunes file shar­ing (Win­dows) can also be used for file trans­fers. This is par­tic­u­larly valu­able when trans­fer­ring large files such as basemap im­agery.

Cre­at­ing new pro­jects

Edit­ing and shar­ing pro­jects

At the pro­ject list, drag­ging an in­di­vid­ual pro­ject card to the left ex­poses ac­tions for edit­ing, delet­ing, and ex­port­ing that pro­ject.

Drag­ging to show pro­ject-man­age­ment ac­tions
  • The Ex­port but­ton opens a stan­dard iOS Share Sheet, al­low­ing pro­jects to be copied out­side of the app. One com­mon op­er­a­tion is to trans­fer the files to an­other de­vice with Air­Drop. This is es­pe­cially use­ful for quick back­ups or open­ing the pro­ject in desk­top GIS pro­grams.
  • The Edit but­ton opens the pro­ject-cre­ation in­ter­face for mod­i­fy­ing meta­data for an ex­ist­ing pro­ject. The pro­jec­t’s back­end can­not be mod­i­fied, with one ex­cep­tion: the server URL for a Post­GIS teth­ered back­end can be ad­justed.