Project management

The main screen of Mapboard GIS shows a list of available projects.
Entries in the list correspond to mapboard-project
in the Mapboard GIS documents folder.
Selecting a project in the project list brings up the map interface for that project, which will remain active until the project is closed.
The same set of project files can also be accessed through the Files app, which allows moving, sharing and archiving projects.

cached basemap!When attached to a computer, Finder (Mac) or iTunes file sharing (Windows) can also be used for file transfers. This is particularly valuable when transferring large files such as basemap imagery.
Creating new projects
Editing and sharing projects
At the project list, dragging an individual project card to the left exposes actions for editing, deleting, and exporting that project.

- The Export button opens a standard iOS Share Sheet, allowing projects to be copied outside of the app. One common operation is to transfer the files to another device with AirDrop. This is especially useful for quick backups or opening the project in desktop GIS programs.
- The Edit button opens the project-creation interface for modifying metadata for an existing project. The project’s backend cannot be modified, with one exception: the server URL for a PostGIS tethered backend can be adjusted.