Mapboard GIS


Map­board GIS is an early-stage pro­ject and we are con­stantly adding new fea­tures. Head to the Is­sue Tracker to re­quest a new fea­ture or im­prove­ment.

If you’ve got a great idea and a plan to im­ple­ment it, we can dis­cuss ways to in­te­grate your ef­fort into the ap­pli­ca­tion’s code­base. Feel free to con­tact us di­rectly about this or any­thing else.

We are work­ing on a pub­li­ca­tion to de­scribe the app, it’s com­pan­ion topo­log­i­cal tools, and the it­er­a­tive topol­ogy map­ping tech­nique. Stay tuned!

Po­ten­tial up­com­ing fea­tures

  • A layer for text notes and schematic draw­ings on the map
  • Abil­ity to cap­ture and edit sam­ple lo­ca­tions
    This is a po­ten­tial in­te­gra­tion point with other apps.
  • Some sort of GeoPDF basemap sup­port
  • A quicker on­board topol­ogy en­gine
  • Some level of sup­port for the GeoPack­age for­mat, which is sim­i­lar to the Spa­tialite for­mat that cur­rently dri­ves the map

Ed­u­ca­tion-fo­cused fea­tures

  • A pro­ject ini­tial­iza­tion user in­ter­face that guides the user to­wards ap­pro­pri­ate map pro­jec­tions
  • Modes to pre­de­fine map area and al­lowed scale range for dig­i­tiz­ing
  • A “sim­ple” user-in­ter­face mode that hides fea­tures for map pro­duc­tion

In­te­gra­tions with other sys­tems

We are par­tic­u­larly ex­cited to in­te­grate with other iOS ap­pli­ca­tions such as Rockd and Stra­boSpot to al­low users to com­bine next-gen­er­a­tion map man­age­ment with data col­lec­tion ca­pa­bil­i­ties. More on this soon.

  • Im­proved map­ping sym­bol­ogy (e.g. pat­terns)
  • Shar­ing data be­tween the Spa­tialite (of­fline) and Post­GIS (teth­ered) modes, po­ten­tially with change rec­on­cil­i­a­tion al­go­rithms.
  • Macros­trat ge­o­logic maps over­lay