Mapboard GIS


This page show­cases sev­eral maps cre­ated with Map­board GIS. More will be added through time. Feel free to con­tact us to share your work!

The Pre­lim­i­nary ge­o­logic map of the Nauk­luft Moun­tains, (in progress) was the map that started it all.
This ge­o­logic map of Lit­tle Am­ber­gris Cay, Turks and Caicos was as­sem­bled rapidly in a col­lab­o­ra­tive map­ping ses­sion
The ge­o­logic map of NE Syr­tis Ma­jor, Mars, from Quinn and Ehlmann, 2019 shows the adapt­abil­ity of the sys­tem to plan­e­tary basemaps and co­or­di­nate sys­tems.