Mapboard GIS

Version 3.3.1

January 25, 2023

This re­lease in­cludes bug­fixes atop Ver­sion 3.3.0, fo­cused on pro­vid­ing a smoother edit­ing ex­pe­ri­ence for large fea­ture datasets.

Bug fixes

  • Refac­tor many syn­chro­nous data­base writes, which block the user in­ter­face caus­ing stut­ter­ing
  • Fix er­ror that pre­vented ac­cess to se­lect panel
  • Make some fea­ture queries much faster through bet­ter spa­tial in­dex­ing
  • Im­prove the se­quenc­ing of edit­ing ac­tions and topol­ogy up­dates, can­celling in-progress topol­ogy solv­ing when new fea­tures are added. “Con­tin­u­ous topol­ogy” mode now has min­i­mal neg­a­tive ef­fects on the edit­ing ex­pe­ri­ence (al­though it does still take a lot of bat­tery power).
  • Fix bug that pre­vented edit­ing af­ter de­vice is ro­tated to por­trait mode
  • Re­duce un­nec­es­sary work upon a “cold start” of the app