Mapboard GIS

Version 3.2.0

January 5, 2023

The up­graded topol­ogy en­gine in ac­tion

This is the first pub­lic re­lease of Map­board GIS Ver­sion 3. It is a ma­jor re­work of the ap­p’s in­ter­nals and spa­tial edit­ing ca­pa­bil­i­ties, in prepa­ra­tion for com­ing func­tional en­hance­ments.

New edit­ing tools

Draw­ing and re­shap­ing lines
  • Line snap­ping has been im­proved to also snap cur­rent linework end­points to nearby cre­ated and re­shaped lines
  • A new Re­shape tool al­lows rapid it­er­a­tion of linework
  • Topo­log­i­cal eras­ing al­lows trim­ming of dan­gling edges
  • A greatly im­proved Undo tool al­lows full re­cov­ery from any line or poly­gon change.
Re­shape and undo
Topo­log­i­cal erase mode

An im­proved topol­ogy sys­tem

The on­board topol­ogy en­gine has been im­proved for sta­bil­ity, per­for­mance, and ef­fec­tive­ness. Al­though it is still some­what brit­tle, it now al­lows rapid and high-qual­ity it­er­a­tive solv­ing in many cases.

An up­dated map can­vas

The map­ping user in­ter­face has been greatly im­proved to tran­si­tion from Map­box’s legacy iOS SDK to the newer Map­box Maps SDK for iOS. This re­quired sig­nif­i­cant re­tool­ing of the ap­p’s back­end data flows and struc­tures, in­clud­ing with an in­ter­nal vec­tor tile

Up­graded spa­tial stack

The stack of spa­tial soft­ware that pow­ers Map­board GIS has been greatly en­hanced in Ver­sion 3. This in­cludes up­dated ver­sions of proj, geos, spatialite, rttopo, and other sup­port­ing open-source geospa­tial li­braries. We’ve also greatly en­hanced the com­pi­la­tion pipeline for these li­braries to be less brit­tle and en­able more di­rect uti­liza­tion of their func­tion­al­ity.

Miss­ing v2 func­tion­al­ity

This is a ma­jor over­haul of the app, and some fea­tures have not yet been com­pletely reim­ple­mented us­ing new pat­terns. We an­tic­i­pate fix­ing many prob­lems and omis­sions in fu­ture mi­nor ver­sions in the 3.x se­ries.

Key miss­ing pieces:

  • Plan­e­tary pro­jec­tions are harder with libproj ver­sions greater than 4, and have not been val­i­dated in the cur­rent ver­sion
  • Server con­nec­tions with Post­GIS need ma­jor up­grades and cur­rently don’t work.