Mapboard GIS

Pri­vacy pol­icy

Map­board GIS is strongly com­mit­ted to the pri­vacy of its users. We don’t col­lect or store any per­son­ally iden­ti­fy­ing in­for­ma­tion. Al­though users are asked for their Ap­ple ID to val­i­date their sub­scrip­tion, this in­for­ma­tion is man­aged by Ap­ple and is not seen by us.

On this web­site, we may col­lect small amounts of non-iden­ti­fy­ing in­for­ma­tion (e.g. IP ad­dress and de­vice info) to help solve tech­ni­cal prob­lems. Like­wise, we may col­lect anonymized crash logs, de­vice info, etc. for de­bug­ging pur­poses within the app. This col­lec­tion stream is main­tained by Ap­ple and is stripped of pri­vate in­for­ma­tion be­fore be­ing sent to us.

We may col­lect some anony­mous in­for­ma­tion as part of Beta pro­grams, should you choose to par­tic­i­pate. To the ex­tent you sub­mit in­for­ma­tion that might be per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able (e.g. app screen­shots) through this pro­gram or through our pub­lic Is­sue Tracker, we promise not to share it with third par­ties. Like­wise, if you con­tact us, the con­tents of our com­mu­ni­ca­tions may be stored.

Out­side of spe­cific de­bug­ging sce­nar­ios dis­cussed above, Map­board GIS has lit­tle need or in­ter­est in your per­sonal data. We are happy to hear from you to dis­cuss these pri­vacy prac­tices.